Bouteille de rouge cabernet franc Philippe Durand Vigneron Sauve la Vie

Sauve la Vie

icône de verre de vin rouge
Red Protected Geographical Indication Val de Loire
icône de grappe de raisin rouge symbolisant le cépage du vin
Cabernet Franc
icône de pierre qui décrit la pierre qui est dans la vigne
icone sablier temps de garde philippe durand vigneron
12 to 15 years of aging

Scent on the Nose

The nose reveals aromas of prunes, bigarreaux with earthy notes.

Flavor in the mouth

Full and firm attack with condensed tannins and a hint of dried fruit, iron oxide and venison.

To be enjoyed with

This red wine is perfect with leg of lamb, duck breast, rib of beef, jugged hare, lasagne or cheeses such as Epoisses, Ami du Chambertin, Morbier or Maroilles.